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Common English abbreviations and meanings for reliability testing
2025-02-12 11:38:26

In the field of reliability testing, there are many common English abbreviations and their corresponding descriptions. Here are some common abbreviations and their explanations:
HTOL (High Temperature Operating Life)
High temperature working life: Test the working life of devices at high temperatures to evaluate their reliability.
HTS (High Temperature Storage)
High temperature storage: Storing devices in high-temperature environments to evaluate their long-term stability.
TCT(Temperature Cycling Test)
Temperature cycling test: Test the reliability of the device through repeated heating and cooling cycles.
HAST (Highly Accelerated Stress Test)
High acceleration stress testing: Testing devices in high temperature and high humidity environments to evaluate their reliability.
ESD(Electrostatic Discharge)
Electrostatic discharge: Testing the ability of a device to resist damage caused by electrostatic discharge.
EM (Electromigration)
Electromigration: Testing the reliability of metal interconnects at high current densities.
TDDB (Time Dependent Dielectric Breakdown)
Time dependent dielectric breakdown: testing the long-term reliability of insulation layers under the action of an electric field.
BTI (Bias Temperature Instability)
Bias temperature instability: Test the stability of the device under bias and temperature conditions.
HCI (Hot Carrier Injection)
Hot carrier injection: testing the impact of high-energy carriers on device reliability.
NBTI(Negative Bias Temperature Instability)
Negative bias temperature instability: Evaluating the reliability of PMOS transistors under negative bias and high temperature.
PBTI(Positive Bias Temperature Instability)
Positive bias temperature instability: Evaluating the reliability of NMOS transistors under positive bias and high temperature.


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