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What is an optical module? What are the types and performance indicators of optical modules?
2024-08-08 14:48:55

As an important component of optical communication, optical modules are optoelectronic devices that realize the conversion of light and electricity during the transmission of optical signals. Optical modules are usually composed of light emitting components, light receiving components, laser chips, detector chips, and other components.

There are various types of optical modules with different appearance structures, but their basic composition structures all include the following parts.

Serial Number




Dust Cap

Protect the optical interface of the optical module from external environmental pollution and damage caused by external forces.


Skirt piece

Used to ensure good bonding between optical modules and device optical interfaces, it only exists on SFP packaged optical modules.



Used to identify key parameters and manufacturer information of optical modules.



The connector is usually a "shiny" metallic color, also known as a "golden finger", used for connecting optical modules and single boards, transmitting signals, supplying power to optical modules, etc.



Protect internal components.


Receiving interface Rx

Optical signal receiving interface.


Send interface Tx

Optical signal transmission interface.


Handle buckle

Used to assist in the insertion and removal of optical modules, and for easy identification, the color of the handle buckle corresponding to different distances is also different.


How does the optical module work?

At the transmitting end, the optical module converts electrical signals into optical signals.
Optical signals are transmitted through optical fibers.
At the receiving end, the optical module converts optical signals into electrical signals.
What are the key performance indicators of optical modules?
Average emitted optical power, OMA optical power&extinction ratio, center wavelength of optical module, overload optical power, receiving sensitivity, received optical power, interface rate, transmission distance.
What are the types of optical modules?
Classified by transmission rate: 400GE optical module, 100GE optical module, 40GE optical module, 25GE optical module, 10GE optical module, GE optical module, FE optical module, etc.
Classified by packaging type: SFP SFP+、SFP28、QSFP+、CFP、CFP2 /CFP2-DCO、QSFP28、QSFP-DD。
Classified by mode: single-mode fiber, multi-mode fiber.
Classified by "color": colored light module, gray light module.