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Zonglen Thermal system applied to thermal shock test of memory chips
2024-03-13 08:43:08

Memory chips are responsible for data storage in electronic systems and are the core of semiconductor storage products. Their storage capacity and reading speed directly affect the performance of electronic devices. Memory can be divided into volatile storage and non volatile storage based on whether to save data after power failure. Volatile storage is mainly based on random access memory (RAM), with dynamic random access memory (DRAM) being the most commonly used, such as memory modules widely found in electronic products. The most common non volatile storage options are NOR Flash and NAND Flash. Storage chips require a lot of testing before leaving the factory, and the stability of the chip during rapid temperature changes is particularly important. The intercooled high and low temperature heat flux meter has a wider temperature range of -70 ℃ to+225 ℃, providing strong temperature conversion testing capabilities. The temperature conversion ranges from -55 ℃ to+125 ℃ for about 10 seconds, meeting the R&D and design requirements of Flash and DRAM memory, and providing a fast and reliable testing environment for storage chips.


A well-known storage chip design company mainly produces Flash and DRAM memory. In order to test the operational characteristics of storage chips under development and for rapid fault diagnosis of failed chips at different temperatures, it is recommended to use ThermoTST TS-560 in conjunction with the Advantest memory IC testing system.


High and low temperature testing method for memory chips: Temperature Forcing Systems is set to -55 ℃ to+125 ℃ to quickly achieve the operating characteristics of flash memory at extreme temperatures, such as voltage, current, etc Flash memory often uses DUT mode for high and low temperature cyclic testing. By connecting the flash memory with a T-type thermocouple, the temperature of the tested object can be accurately controlled to reach the set temperature on the machine The high and low temperature testing method for flash memory is also suitable for temperature testing of embedded memory eMMC


ThermoTST TS560 Technical Parameters


Temperature Range

System Airflow Output

Typical Temperature Transition Rate

Temperature Accuracy

Temperature Set, Display and Resolution

Temperature Control Methods


TS560 -70℃ to +225℃ 4 ~18 scfm
-55℃ to +125°C about 10 s ±1℃ ±0.1℃

AIR temperature control mode; DUT temperature control mode;

Simultaneous AIR

and DUT temperature feedback modes

Environmental Internal Air TC and Remote External Type T , K;Optional:RTD